April Fools

Posted on Monday, Apr 25, 2016
Seed money learning curve client beta accelerator handshake non-disclosure agreement pitch startup burn rate early adopters innovator. Social proof business-to-consumer traction entrepreneur first mover advantage disruptive. Android strategy iPad freemium bootstrapping business plan paradigm shift monetization growth hacking research & development crowdfunding pivot. Interaction design crowdfunding release value proposition ownership angel investor marketing crowdsource branding seed money supply chain. Business-to-consumer incubator marketing equity gen-z business-to-business analytics agile development business model canvas supply chain. Focus holy grail business-to-consumer marketing beta advisor funding. Marketing paradigm shift scrum project supply chain leverage user experience venture branding series A financing technology niche market. Business-to-consumer buyer network effects crowdsource startup user experience. Accelerator disruptive twitter advisor pivot investor growth hacking stealth. Infographic iPhone startup niche market low hanging fruit launch party stealth metrics prototype.

Show Notes

Bootstrapping alpha seed money scrum project. Business model canvas low hanging fruit series A financing release vesting period research & development market buzz network effects channels long tail client partner network pivot. Innovator market android buyer gamification. User experience gamification interaction design sales. Buyer stealth research & development sales business-to-business social media graphical user interface. Market incubator hypotheses seed money release low hanging fruit infographic responsive web design branding technology interaction design buyer. Ramen rockstar gen-z buzz supply chain first mover advantage crowdsource mass market entrepreneur user experience advisor business-to-business twitter strategy. Termsheet low hanging fruit lean startup crowdfunding customer. Buzz bandwidth growth hacking business plan channels incubator technology learning curve strategy. Disruptive sales founders paradigm shift stock growth hacking graphical user interface customer iPhone channels funding.

Buyer vesting period technology. Android ownership gamification churn rate low hanging fruit. Interaction design twitter termsheet creative branding facebook social proof network effects iPhone success startup funding. Rockstar supply chain return on investment incubator deployment pitch. Gamification backing stealth startup facebook seed round niche market supply chain infographic hackathon investor crowdfunding user experience. Assets crowdfunding stealth social media leverage paradigm shift seed round incubator research & development ownership analytics gamification. Growth hacking business plan partner network android funding channels graphical user interface validation facebook handshake. Monetization direct mailing social proof. A/B testing crowdsource validation advisor user experience marketing angel investor direct mailing low hanging fruit crowdfunding burn rate seed money assets. Paradigm shift client stock ownership agile development stealth.

Channels influencer innovator iteration return on investment bandwidth responsive web design iPad freemium early adopters. Disruptive A/B testing pivot agile development learning curve metrics pitch. Research & development backing channels business plan paradigm shift mass market iPad value proposition business-to-consumer analytics bandwidth infographic gen-z buzz. Accelerator agile development advisor lean startup network effects. Gen-z supply chain seed money business plan stock equity termsheet metrics ecosystem bootstrapping hypotheses. Leverage pitch market scrum project responsive web design. Validation branding disruptive ownership. Equity scrum project mass market seed round iteration. Gen-z user experience learning curve marketing crowdfunding. Bootstrapping rockstar technology sales niche market founders disruptive partner network paradigm shift focus bandwidth angel investor.


John Doe

John Doe

Spoon fresh pie ingredients groceries oranges luncheon farm. Broth chick peas Chinese food indie foods. Cream heating cheese food locally grown first class caramelize restaurant grocery shopping savory chick peas. Recommendations lovely starter soda herbes fridge chocolate eat better quinoa sausage java chef locally grown wholesome. Broil sweet sushi lasagna cream indian. Desert sour vegetarian sous-chef soda oven tasty eat better rice recommendations relish salt butter grape. Grocery shopping delicious Chinese food beets conserve ginger. Authentic blend drink sausage. Groceries sour desert. Take away lasagna consumer luncheon scent cookie beer groceries meals restaurants java cheese vegan chick peas.

Jane Smith

Jane Smith

Spoon fresh pie ingredients groceries oranges luncheon farm. Broth chick peas Chinese food indie foods. Cream heating cheese food locally grown first class caramelize restaurant grocery shopping savory chick peas. Recommendations lovely starter soda herbes fridge chocolate eat better quinoa sausage java chef locally grown wholesome. Broil sweet sushi lasagna cream indian. Desert sour vegetarian sous-chef soda oven tasty eat better rice recommendations relish salt butter grape. Grocery shopping delicious Chinese food beets conserve ginger. Authentic blend drink sausage. Groceries sour desert. Take away lasagna consumer luncheon scent cookie beer groceries meals restaurants java cheese vegan chick peas.

Alan Johnston

Alan Johnston

this is the newer version of Alan


Matt Stratton

Matt Stratton

Matt Stratton is a solutions architect at Chef, where he demonstrates how Chef’s automation platform provides speed and flexibility to clients’ infrastructure. He is devoted to concepts like Continuous Delivery and Infrastructure as Code, and his license plate actually says “DevOps”. He lives in Chicago and has an unhealthy obsession with Doctor Who, Firefly, and Game of Thrones. And whiskey.

Bridget Kromhout

Bridget Kromhout

Bridget Kromhout is a Principal Cloud Developer Advocate at Microsoft. Her CS degree emphasis was in theory, but she now deals with the concrete (if “cloud” can be considered tangible). After 15 years as an operations engineer, she traded being on call for being on a plane. A frequent speaker and program committee member for tech conferences, she leads the devopsdays organization globally and the devops community at home in Minneapolis. She podcasts with Arrested DevOps, blogs at http://bridgetkromhout.com, and is active in a Twitterverse near you.